Hiteks Cuba Uncategorized Is Sadness Same as Depression?

Is Sadness Same as Depression?

The short answer would be NO.

Sadness is an Emotion

When an unfortunate event happens to a person, it’s natural to be upset. This instinctive feeling sometimes hampers a person’s life but goes away after some time. 

Depression is a Mental Condition

Depression, on the other hand, is a serious mental illness. 

The symptoms are not limited to constant feelings of sadness, guilt or worthlessness. A depressed person can also display weight gain/loss, abnormal sleeping patterns and unexplainable body pains. 

While sadness is normal, depression is something that should be addressed. 

Signs That it’s Depression and Not Just Sadness

Duration. Sadness goes away after some time, depression does not. If you’re feeling down for more than two weeks, chances are, it’s depression. Seek professional help. Depression is haunting, early diagnosis is crucial for faster recovery.

Cause. While both can be caused by a negative event in a person’s life, the cause of depression is not definite and can be a combination of multiple factors at the same time. Some of these include genetics, medications, feeling of unacceptance, age or substance abuse. 

Lack of Happy Moments. Even when someone is sad, they still find joy in doing things they love. Depression takes those moments of relief. 

Suicidal Thoughts. When you think about self-harm, that is not sadness anymore. Seek help immediately.

Simple Things You Can Do

Wake Up Early. Set up your alarm clock so you can wake up at the same time each morning. Setting up a routine helps your mood and conditions you to attend to self-care at the start of the day.

Move Your Body. You don’t have to go to the gym or do something vigorous. A light jog or simply doing the laundry does the job. One tip when you are really feeling unmotivated to move is to do one simple task like picking up your socks before sitting down again.

Eat Healthy. Depression takes a toll on you physically. Eat your meals on time. If you can, cook your own food. 

Do Things You Used to Enjoy. Do you used to draw? Watching Lord of the Rings for the nth time? Belting that Tina Turner song in your bathroom? Make a list of the things you used to love. It doesn’t have to be big. The key is to remember the things that used to make you smile. 

Try Something New. Go to the new food joint across the street. Do yoga with elders. Want to try knitting? Having something to look forward to everyday can lift your mood.

Talk to Someone. An immediate source of support would be your friends or family. They are the people who already know you well and can instantly make your recovery easier. A trusted person can give you the boost you need to get back on your feet.

When to Seek Professional Help

When you are experiencing symptoms for more than two weeks, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Depression is a complicated subject. There can be multiple factors in play. It’s important to reach out to a professional or a counselling centre so proper exams can be conducted.

In cases when this is not applicable or you prefer to consult people outside your circle, there are online institutions you can reach out to like Everyday Empathy, a service provider based in Hong Kong.

Professionals estimate that 1 out of 6 people will experience depression in their lifetime. Some of us may pass off depression as sadness and that is a problem. Know the difference for faster diagnostics and recovery.

For more information, visit:Everyday Empathy

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